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Ephraims David Las Vegas, USAEphraims David Las Vegas, USA

Congratulations: CEO

What a Great Night at @fuhulv in @resortsworldlv. The Ephriams David Team was honored to be invited to the Welcoming Mixer of The Newest CEO Mr @alexf_dixon. We wish you all the success in your new role...

What a Great Night at @fuhulv in @resortsworldlv. The Ephriams David Team was honored to be invited to the Welcoming Mixer of The Newest CEO Mr @alexf_dixon. We wish you all the success in your new role and can't wait to design for you. Pictures is (L) CEO Alex Dixon, Resorts World and (R) @davidfarrakhan, Designer and CEO of Ephraims David Las Vegas, USA.

#resortsworldlasvegas #lasvegas #polishedstyle #ceo #washingtondc #dubuqueiowa #edlvusa


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